dimanche 30 juillet 2017

Plus Size Fashion Tips for Teens

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Adolescence is a critical period for every human being, even for the most confident and not so lost in doubts at this stage of life. And the situation gets even worse when we talk about chubby adolescents, because in addition to the charges, doubts and curiosities regarding this time of life, they still live today in a society where being overweight is considered almost a sin. But the plus size fashions for teens can be as interesting as any other, even more so if the girl invests in pieces that disguise the extra pounds and that value the whole silhouette.

Fashion Plus Size for Teens

We must admit that it is not so easy task to find clothes for teenagers plus size that are beautiful and age-appropriate, even if this situation has improved a little today, but if you search hard you find not only elegant pieces but also pieces that can Serve as fashionable tricks to disguise the coolest silhouette. To disguise chubby arms or breasts that are not in proportion to the body (but remember that as a teenager your body is changing, so do not worry so much about certain parts of it) invest in jackets with sleeves rolled up or in little balls.

Fashion plus size for teenagers can also enhance the silhouette and disguise small defects, as in other fashion segments (Photo: Press Release)

Using overlapping pieces and leaving the top piece open to create an imaginary vertical line is a great option to sharpen and stretch the silhouette. And if the lower part is light colored or stamped, the effect will be even more intense.

Plus Size Fashion Tips for Men

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It is not only women who are overly concerned with the look, many men currently also do not give up leaving very well-dressed homes, in addition to investing high in beauty products, cosmetics and other beauty tricks such as massages, Depilation and aesthetic treatments. And the plus size fashion for men also comes following this style, after all, regardless of weight, everyone wants to feel beautiful and present a good look.

Plus Size Fashion for Men

The first tip for the fat man to dress well may seem dispensable, but it is not, and consists in the correct choice of the numbering of the clothes, since many fat men think that if they buy a smaller number they will look slimmer, and this is not quite what Occurs, because with a smaller number than the required clothing tends to be too clinging to the body and thus evidence the extra chubby, and not hide them, as would be the correct. That is why whenever you go to buy clothes buy models that leave a little pleasure so that the visual is not harmed, and instead, be valued.

As with the plus size women's fashion, the men's fashion for chubby men also has a few tricks to create a leaner and longer body illusion. And among these tricks is to wear an open shirt over a T-shirt to create an imaginary vertical line and thus visually decrease the width of the silhouette so that all the attention goes to the center of the body.

E assim como as mulheres, os homens também deverão optar pelas cores mais escuras na parte do corpo que é maior e usar cores mais claras na parte do corpo que é menor. E para quem quer afinar toda a silhueta vale usar cores escuras dos pés à cabeça. E lembrando que o preto e a melhor cor para criar esta ilusão de silhueta mais fina e alongada.